Monday, October 22, 2012

Hangover- What it is and What to be done to cure it

Hangover due to alcohol
If a person drinks too much in a night, the next day morning when he wakes up, he may not feel fit physically or mentally. This is what Hangover is.

Hangover is usually caused due to dehydration (loss of water) that usually occurs after drinking of too much of alcohol. Alcohol is a toxic substance and to which body resists.
In a hangover situation, a person may feel headache, blurred vision, body ache, tiredness etc. This is so due to low level of water inside body.
On mental level, a person may feel depressed (sad) or feel anxiety (restlessness). This is usually so because of the guilty feeling a person may have on drinking so much.

The best way to reduce possibility of hangover to 80% is to drink few glass of water before and at the time of drinking alcohol itself. Never take alcohol empty stomach. After finishing the alcohol drink some water again. Precisely speaking, drink as much water while taking alcohol and thereafter. This reduces the possibility of hangover to a great extent. Water is the best hangover cure.

There are three types of cure for hangover-

1) Medicinal
2) Physical
3) Mental

Medicinal- It is not recommended to use medicines to cure for hangover. It is always good to use natural ways. If you want to use medicine consult a doctor.

Physical- To cure a hangover, it is always good to drink as much of water as possible (but be careful to drink water slowly and not fast such as half glass water every five minutes by taking rest in between. Fast water drinking may make you ill). This will restore water level inside body and also help to remove poisonous alcohol toxins through urination. After doing so it is advised to do some exercise such as to go for a brisk walk (i.e. to walk fast) as this will help to remove toxins through sweat or you may also do yoga. After coming it is better to take some small sleep or rest and after getting up again drink some water.

Mental- As a person may feel depression or anxiety during hangover, it is better to take rest and watch funny videos. On, funny videos such as – “Just for Laughs Gags” may be seen.

As stated, yoga is good cure for hangover relief. This is the video that shows some yoga postures-

Other cures-

1) The ginger, honey and lemon tea hangover cure- It is similar to making tea. Add ginger and honey and add lemon in the end. The ginger settles your stomach and relieves nausea, the honey is a nice hint, because it is soothing and approachable, it also makes it taste good. Finally, the lemon contains citric acid and vitamin c, this helps get your body back on track. 

2) Orange juice and raw egg- Prepare fresh orange juice and break a raw egg over it and it and mix egg liquid with orange juice. The liquid may change color.  Drink it. This is a very good cure as orange contains vitamin and sugar while egg contains protein. Within 30 minutes results may be seen.  They may also be taken separately as per convenience.

5) Eating bananas helps in restoring the potassium lost. This is a helpful remedy. You may also have banana shake and it will be better if you add. 

6) Having an apple empty stomach also helps well.

7) Honey has the ability to digest alcohol well. One to two spoon every hour may be helpful. Quantity of honey may be increased depending on hangover condition.

8) Ginger is a tried and tested treatment for nausea and seasickness. Chewing 2 to 3 small pieces of ginger helps greatly. 

9) Lemon- Lemon tea without sugar detoxifies the stomach. Lemon may also be consumed in cold water with little sugar.

10) Tomato- Tomato juice contains fructose, a type of sugar that helps your body metabolise alcohol faster. 

11) Cabbage- Chewing raw cabbage helps treat headaches and disturbance in the nerves caused due to a hangover. Cabbage juice taken with tomato juice works wonders as it reduces the craving for alcohol and also helps in metabolism.

All of the aforestated remedies are easily available in the market and affordable. They are safe as they are natural and do not contain chemicals for side effect.

There are some other things that must be kept in mind-

1) Dark Coloured alcoholic drink may cause more hangover as compared to clear or light coloured drink.
2) Alcohol must not be consumed empty stomach.
3) If stomach is upset then it is better to use apple juice than orange juice.
4) While in hangover, it is better to start from easy to digest food such as toast, rice etc. Eggs are good to start with as it detoxifies the body and restores protein.


Ankita said...

wonderful tips!! I will try this. To avoid of getting hangover just take one shot of Armr party starter drink. This drink is very helpful for me to prevent hangover.

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