- Beer- it is the most consumed alcoholic drink and is the 3rd most popular drink overall after water and tea! Made basically using rice or barley, it has an alcoholic content of 4% - 6%. Even after having such less its quite dangerous when consumed in large quantities over a long run. It results in developing alcoholism and also liver diseases. Beer drinkers often develop a tummy also known as the “beer belly” and this extra fat increases the risks of heart diseases.
- Wine- its one of the oldest alcoholic drinks that were prepared by man and also one of the most consumed even now. Its prepared from variety of things , but mainly from grapes. It has an alcoholic content of 9%-16%. It causes obesity due to the presence of high calorie content. It also weakens the heart and causes a condition known as cardiomyopathy so the heart is incapable of pumping much blood. Its believed to increase BP and thus the risk of stroke, it can act as a catalyst on the onset of acute and chronic pancreatitis and also is believed to affect fertility of a person.
- Rum – rum is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from sugarcane byproducts like molasses. Having an alcoholic content of 37.5% - 80%, it’s a huge risk to health If consumed in large quantities. The consumption has adverse affect on liver and heavy drinkers are susceptible to liver cirrhosis. They can also develop anemic condition ie low RBC. And in some cases drinking spirits like rum increases the risk of a person to develop cancer.
- Whiskey- it is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks among adults. It’s a distilled alcoholic beverage prepared from grains like barley and wheat popularly. It has an alcoholic content of 40% - 55%. Its considered one of the most damaging drinks to the liver. It may cause stones and also result in a permanent damage to the liver. Also a risk that remains is the increase in blood pressure which may later damage heart too.
- Vodka- it’s a very popular drink among the young population. It prepared from fermented grains or potato and has an alcoholic content of about 40%. Its particularly risky because in many regions vodka is poisoned with highly toxic chemicals which are very harmful for health, causing blindness, stones and acute cirrhosis in parts of the body to many who consumed poisoned vodka.
- Tequila- its very popular among teens and the youngsters and also one of the most affecting to the health. It has an alcoholic content of 30%-55%. Its consumed mainly neat without any dissolvent, this is very dangerous if one consumes it in large quantities as the high concentration of it at a single time may result in a damage to the liver.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Commonly Available Alcoholic Drinks in India
Alcoholic beverages are major drinks which are available on
almost all major parties and occasions and are considered a social drink. Its
generally an adult drink but kids too are getting addicted to it. Alcohol
consumption can be dangerous and even fatal can be harmful in large quantities
as it is harmful for the liver and the heart in the long run. Many alcoholic
beverages are available these days. Let’s discuss few of them and the probable
danger it has over the long run :-
Other than this long term alcohol drinkers suffer from
alcoholism or alcohol-dependency. This results in depression and fatigue among
the drinkers which may affect a person mentally too apart from the damage it
does to the heart and the liver.
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