Thursday, October 25, 2012
Effects of Alcohol
If you have
looked to someone who is drunk, you may have noticed change in their behavioral
patterns. Behavior changes with the increase in dosage. Some of the immediate
effects seen are as follows-
Few drinks—body
relaxes, concentration lowers, body reflexes go down.
Few more drinks— More confidence or daring, judgment not good (they may speak
what comes first in their mind without thinking whether it is good or bad to
speak). May have trouble writing, unclear speech, intense mood such as sad or
happy or angry
Still more drinks—Sleepy, cannot remember or understand things, cannot react to
situations quickly (if they spill a drink they may just stare at it), may not stand
or walk properly, unclear vision, may not sense things properly such as (hearing,
tasting, feeling, etc). Aggressive behavior such as violent or may become
affectionate etc (whatever mood they get, alcohol intensifies it)
More still— can barely move, cannot stand or walk, may vomit, may become unconscious
more- unconscious, they feel cool, slow breathing, slow heart rate, depressed
reflexes (their pupil may not respond appropriately to change in light)
Even more—possibly
coma or death.
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