About Us

Through this website we have tried to provide details about how alcohol has destroyed people's life by affecting peace in family, disturbing children's studies, draining health and wealth and bringing loss to reputation and growth in the society.
It is surprising to see how mental weaknesses and addiction towards alcohol can enslave a person and bring about far reaching consequences including destruction of life of the person and his family.
Alcohol is seen as a poison by our body and our body tries to expel it. Our society knows that it is poisonous. Still since thousands of years human race has not been able to overcome this factor and remove it altogether from this world.
We believe that this "Wine Flu" has taken much more lives as compared to "Swine Flu" and all the flues combined in all these years.
Through this website our effort is to bring to people's knowledge about dangers that alcoholic addiction can pose to a person's life and we try to show them way out of alcoholic addictions.
We have drawn considerable inspiration from the India Against Corruption movement. For the first time it united the whole country to fight menace of corruption.
We believe that a day will come when the people of this country will rise up against alcohol and will make this country a dry country where alcoholic drink is prohibited such as in states of Gujarat and Mizoram.
This is a fully private funded initiative and does not accept donations of any kind. Further, it has no connection whatsoever with any organization.
Use of Media
In the fight against alcoholism, awareness is cure. The more the people are aware about alcoholism and its bad effect, the better it will be to keep them away from it.
We try to make good use of media including print media so as to spread awareness.
A person may help us in this movement by spreading what is on the website to as many affected persons as possible as that brings hope that affected alcoholic person may be cured and see a better life.
If this initiative becomes a success then we would start a toll free helpline number to help alcoholics and his family.