Saturday, October 27, 2012

How alcohol affects your looks

You may think that alcohol is a damn liquid and cannot affect you atleast the way you look but that’s a big myth. Over indulging on alcohol can affect your physical appearance the next day and in the long term.

The 1st thing you may notice in an alcoholic is that they are generally fat. Yes, alcohol is fattening. There are about 125 calories in a 175ml of wine. A vodka and coke or gin and tonic is 120 calories. The amounts of calories in a few drinks are often the equivalent of few bars of chocolate. That means alcohol consumption over a long period of time will result in that belly you always wanted to avoid.

          Not just the weight, alcohols can also affect your sleep and can also affect the way your skin feels and looks. After a good few drinks at the night, you may notice that your skin looks pale, grey and tired in the morning. The reason as suggested by dermatologists is that alcohol dehydrates your body, also the skin which is the largest organ of your body. Also the alcohol is thought to deprive the skin of certain vital vitamins and nutrients. These all may just be for those who start drinking alcohol. But for the regular drinkers and addicts, the results may be even worse and permanent. Over drinking may result in a skin disorder called Rosacea which may eventually lead to facial disfigurement.

          Another peculiar ill-affect that alcohol does is that over drinking may result is red facial skin. Drinking dilates the small blood vessels in the skin which makes the skin look red. The face may also get small red bumps and puss spots. In some cases small blood vessels also appear on the face looking like thin red lines.

          Other than that you may get those black spots beneath your eyes and also many rashes like red spots. Heavy drinkers may also not smell good. Liver would metabolise most alcohol but 5%-10% leaves the body as breath, urine and sweat which will be really unpleasant to smell.

          So to prevent all these happening up to you, cut up your alcohol consumption to avoid not only the internal diseases but also how you visually appear.


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