Sunday, October 21, 2012

Alcoholism- In General

Alcohol is a beverage which is consumed by people all over the world and is considered a very important part of any social event. Especially in the western world, its consumed as a staple everyday. Wine, being a very old beverage has a very important role in some religions like christianity and judaism and is used in various religious ceremonies. Also recent research has suggested that, controlled consumption of alcohol nurtures the human heart and reduces the risk of any heart ailments. However over usage of this has its own harsh consequences. It can damage your liver and heart a lot over a period of time.

Even as the alcohol is considered so important in cultures, its still considered a social evil because people tend to get addicted to alcohol.  As its always said that everything must be done just inside the limit, alcohol dependence is considered an illness by the WHO. Also a person, after the consumption of alcohol beyond a limit is susceptible to  lose his control over his actions and will often do things which may be harmful to himself or the people around.

In India, alcohol has been considered poison since the ancient times. But with the inception of the foreign influence in the country more and more people got up alcohol and now alcohol consumption has reached a peak.

Alcohol addiction is affecting particularly the men of India like wild fire, thus creating a lot of problems in the lives of families especially those living in rural areas. Where alcohol abuse has increased substantially and thus creating a lot of ruckus among the masses. People tend to drink over the limits at the times of depression and beat up their family members, other people or harm themselves. This is very common on the ears of the billion people living in India. Today even the young generation are picking it up and they drink alcohol “just for fun” , but they don’t know it’s nothing but a time bomb in their body and they may develop diseases from it. Now alcohol addiction is considered as a social evil in India because of increasing alcohol abuse in the society and a lot is being done to control it but addicted people can't do much in it.

Thus we can say that alcohol addiction is influencing the lives of Indian people in a bad way and first we should stop ourselves from this evil and later on help other to get rid of it too. Alcohol abuse is bad prototype to a society and therefore has to be cleaned as soon as possible.


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